Monday 12 December 2016

The haunting of Mike Magee

Okay, so I wanted to start off with a review of a youtube channel called MichaelDMagee.

Michael is a former university student and warehouse worker who, after being told about unusual activity in his home, installed night vision cameras to try and capture this activity. This was back in 2010, at a time that, by his own admission, Michael was a skeptic. However, he did catch something, in the form of a dark entity. He has since continued to upload videos of a paranormal nature and, while for the most part he is no longer bothered by the dark entity, he still experiences activity around him.

As much as I believe in the paranormal, I an a sensible person and I do know there are fakes out there who give genuine investigators, spirit box communicators and mediums a bad reputation. So with that in mind I did do some research to see what evidence there was debunking Michael as a fake. admittedly I did go in expecting the usual theories of string, clever editing etc, I wasn't disappointed. I did, much to my surprise, find one comment suggesting that Michael used a green suit to hide his presence on camera. Not sure how that would work, but then I know nothing about green suits so it may be possible. And while I do agree that there were moments when even I questioned the authenticity of some of the things he's captured - a little healthy skepticism is no bad thing - I do genuinely believe that Michael is the real deal, and does have spirits around him.

Do feel free to check out his channel, and leave your own views and opinions in the comments below.

I leave you in love, light, honesty, hope and peace.


Setting the scene

Okay, so I've been a spiritualist since 2013. I truly believe in the existence of spirit and life after life, and do feel that with an open mind and strong faith we can communicate with the spirits of those who have passed on.

Lately I've been watching a lot of videos of people undertaking paranormal investigations and performing spirit box communications, and felt inspired to create this blog. The aim of the blog is to pass on any messages I get through mediumistic connection with spirit, and to give my views and opinions on any investigations and spirit box communications I come across. I will also occasionally give my thoughts on well known spirit and demon stories.

I will end this intro with some notes going forward:

First of all, this is an unfunded, not for profit blog. I do not earn any money from it, nor do I intend to do so for the foreseeable future.

Secondly, I do not intend to use this blog to change anyone's beliefs or convince them of the existence of spirits, ghosts, demons, heaven, hell or any other unprovable concept, nor will I ever do so. As I said above, the blog's main purpose is to pass on any messages I get and to post my views, opinions and thoughts. If you don't believe, or your beliefs differ from my own, I respect that and will not try to change that.

Finally, while I'm happy to get comments from people giving their own views, I will not accept flames, haters or rudeness. As such comments are moderated to screen out disrespectful comments.

So now that's out of the way, I welcome you all to my blog in peace, light, love, hope and honesty.
